Florida Youth Soccer Association - Clubs

The indoor facility is available for clubs associated under soccer youth associations at special rates for usage.

In order to receive the special rates and preferred times we must have on file a Certificate of Insurance for your youth club.  Please have your club representative fill this form and submit it to the insurance handler identified on the form.

Having this document will extend the personal and liability coverage of your club’s players that they have already paid to be apart of the Florida Youth Soccer Association.

docs/IndoorSoccerTraining/FYSA Insurance Cert request fillable1.pdf

Please note that these documents typically take a couple of business days to get turned around to us, but once it is done for your youth club, it will be good for up to 12 months.  Once we have it on file, your youth club will only have to request to get it updated once per year, usually in August.

This means all you have to do is schedule up an available time and submit your payment to us and your usage of the facility will be reserved for your team and club usage.